Today: 9/7/2013

The last few days, my sleeping patterns and health have been all over the place. My shoulder is finally starting to feel a little better after 3 days of pain, but my hip/SI joint is getting worse. Thursday I was laid up with a massive headache all day, and finished book 2 (A Clash of Kings) of the Game of Thrones/Song of Ice & Fire book series. Today, I was determined to get something done, and our room has been enveloped by entropy, so it was my targeted focus today. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up til about 3pm, so I got everything cleaned up and started organizing by about the time everyone else went to bed. So, I guess I'll be hanging those mirrors tomorrow, lol.

I got my resume and cover letter in to the library, went down there in person, and was pretty disappointed with their response. I guess the position is being hired by corporate, so... I'll hear from them next week, if they are interested? Hypothetically, anyway.

Still haven't gotten my OHP (Oregon Health Plan) application in yet, picking a dental plan with no information about the different plans is... weird. Paperwork and bureaucracy is so difficult for me to navigate, I don't know it that's because of the ADD or what, but hopefully I can keep trudging froward on that and get that in next week. I did succeed in setting up a "health binder" with all my daily goals, physical therapy, pain management, & counselling homework in one place, so hopefully that will be easier for me to keep track of in the future.

Also, I have an appointment with a NEW therapist this week, (my old one quit and is leaving for a new job). Hopefully eventually SHE can send me to someone who can help with my ADD. *sigh* The road to recovery is long, indeed, filled with bumps and twists and holes.

September is sort of an exciting month for me, my birthday is at the end of the month, and next week is Kelly & mine's 2-year anniversary. I was way more excited originally, (when we thought Kelly would be getting an extra check this month and we could celebrate in style,) but still, pretty cool in spirit, compared to other months. Unfortunately that means summer is nearly over, too, and we haven't gotten out much to enjoy it yet. Hopefully the warm weather will hold out for a bit longer for us to enjoy it!

Just watched "now you see me" with my dad & bro, it was pretty alright. Fun, slick, exciting, magician/heist film with a secret society twist, starring charismatic actors I enjoy watching. Not a life-changer, but it was fun. Now, onwards to organizing the minutae that life accumulates!


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