Thank God for this migraine?

So... today's been a weird day. Had crazy dreams, overslept, then when I did get up and start to try to be productive and function, got hit with a migraine... HARD. Like, sobbingly painful headache.

I hate being an invalid.

Anyway, so I ended up spending most of my awake hours today in bed, in the dark, with a cold washcloth over my eyes, just thinking. Since that was all I could do. And then I realized, today is Wednesday. (Hey, I don't have a job, or school or any reason for the days to matter much.)  This struck me as significant because last week, I decided to make Wednesdays my "Sabbath" to relax, be quiet and come to God, focus on him, and just be zen.

Today, I had completely forgotten, until after my migraine when I was laying quietly in bed. Sometimes pain & suffering can be for a purpose. I forgot (whoops, ADD), so God reminded me by forcing me to "be still (...and know that I am God)." (Psalms 46:10)


Reminds me a few years back, when my friend Stacie broke her leg, and said she was thankful for God forcing her to slow down. Our lives are so FAST and FULL nowadays, and especially with my ADD, I get information overload so easy, I need time to sit back, center myself on God, my priorities, and re-orient my source of self, and ignore the voices around me telling me who to be.

So, in a way, today, I am thankful for my migraine. :)

[edit: Just realized my days are off, and it is Thursday, not Wednesday. So I missed my "Sabbath," and used today for it instead. Meh, God works outside of the boundaries of time anyways.]


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