Why being skinny bothers me.

So. I have lost a bunch of weight, without trying to. In Jr. High, I wore size 12-14 jeans, High School I was 10-12, after High School I had 2 specific episodes of shrinking, and then the last 2 years where I NEVER STOP shrinking. I am now about a size 2-4.

When I complain about losing weight, I get scolded by women telling me to shut up, or I should be grateful, or that millions of women wish they had my problem, etc. Most often they just give me "the look." Men, you know what I'm talking about - that "are you serious / you're an idiot" look us women perfect so well.

But it REALLY bothers me. And I think I finally put my finger on what it is that bugs me so badly.

I was happy with my weight before, and I felt healthy. I have spent my whole life railing against the media's portrayal of beauty as being stick-thin and unhealthily anorexic, and trying to accept my own beauty, and get other women to accept their own beauty. I achieved that... when I was larger. Now that I'm thinner, I am sort of like a poster girl for that media-anorexic-beauty that I HATE so much! And everytime a women compliments me on my size and says it's a good thing, it's like a knife in my gut.

I am NOT healthy at the size I am now. I do not feel healthy, and I have numerous health problems. Also, I lost some of my curves (breast tissue & butt) when I lost weight too. I LIKED my curves where they were. I feel LESS attractive now. I am trying to gain weight back in a HEALTHY way which I have no idea how to do. Losing weight is pretty straightforward - as far as diet & exercise go. How do you put on weight while still being healthy? I don't wanna just sit on my butt and eat 30,000 calories of ice cream a day, and I don't have the funds/time/energy to workout for hours a day.

But mostly I HATE that women see me as an ideal when I disagree with that ideal SO vehemently! It makes me sick to my stomach. Love your curves ladies! You are beautiful as you are!

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty

Glamour Magazine's REAL women


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