My new Therapist! (Finally.)

So, in June I closed out my account with my old therapist, so I could try seeing a new one. It has taken until NOW for that to happen. (Long story.)

So, today I met my new psychologist for the first time this morning (I slept through 3 of my alarms and barely woke up in time, forgetting about the paperwork). She's Chinese, so sometimes her accent is a little hard to understand, but overall she seems like more of a professional than the other people I've seen. She can't give me a legal diagnoses (bummer), but she does seem like she's more - I dunno, practical? - than most others I've seen.

Though at one point she asked me "If your tears could speak, what would they say?" Which is WAAAAAY too abstract for me, so I just kinda started at her, and was like, uh, I have no idea. What? :/

My first 'homework assignment' was to pay attention to how I spend my time, and write out what is my sort-of daily schedule (when do I wake up, eat lunch, etc).

She asked if I wanted to meet next week, and I was like, oh, 2 weeks will be fine, but now I'm rethinking that, just because there is so much catch up to do with a new therapist.

Also, I mentioned my anti-depressant isn't working, and she did not mention a word about medication, so I don't know if I will have to wait for that, or what.

Anyway, that is good! One thing down. NEXT! :D


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