Adult ADD?

So I pretty much had one of the hardest 3 days of my life recently. Day 1: Got Fired. Day 2: Diagnosed with Adult ADD. Day 3: found out my driver's license has been suspended due to a FTA in court, which I had no idea about. Oh yeah, that last one happened from getting PULLED OVER. So, that was fun. AND I'm trying to move to Portland by the end of March. Woo, talk about stress.


"Common adult ADD / ADHD symptoms: Disorganization and forgetfulness
When you have adult ADD/ADHD, life often seems chaotic and out of control. Staying organized and on top of things can be extremely challenging—as is sorting out what information is relevant for the task at hand, prioritizing the things you need to do, keeping track of tasks and responsibilities, and managing your time.

Common symptoms of disorganization and forgetfulness include:
- poor organizational skills (home, office, desk, or car is extremely messy and cluttered)
- tendency to procrastinate
- trouble starting and finishing projects
- chronic lateness
- frequently forgetting appointments, commitments, and deadlines
- constantly losing or misplacing things (keys, wallet, phone, documents, bills)
- underestimating the time it will take you to complete tasks"

So, yeah, I feel like that about explains everything. Doesn't matter how good I am at anything else if I can't be on time, no one cares. Too bad I can't start treatment until I get down to Portland... hopefully I can at least get a prescription or something.


Today's Project: starting a career tree!

Musical Theatre? Math? Psychology, arts business, or law? Our philosophy and writing? Or teaching?

Since I'm so ambivalent about "what I want to be when I grow up" (otherwise known as my future career path, in adult speak, previously mentioned as my "career merry-go-round"), I thought it would help me to have a visual aide to guide my research! I'm starting with writing down any job/college-major that interests me, or I think I could do well, be happy doing, and/or make money at. The two colors are rough guidelines of purple: artistic/pipe-dream careers, hard to support yourself, and teal: more typical, grounded, math/science jobs. Eventually I want to figure out a system for labelling educational requirements as well, and the branches will hopefully be general fields, like social sciences, performance, etc.

my work so far... eventually going to be leaves

ending artistic aesthetic least that is the idea! But I am horrible at finishing projects, so we'll see how it goes.


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