My 'Art'

So I wanted to start using this blog more for posting creative projects, stuff like art or performances or sewing or painting or deep philosophical thoughts, whatever strikes my fancy. "My new thing": learn about things with me. lol. I have such a variety of interests, and can never seem to settle down on one before my curiosity leads me down a new path. This does tend to make me appear a bit intellectually flighty, but hey, with our attention-deficit disorders and commercial/goldfish memory, maybe I can be a source for others interested in the same things!

If not, being able to have a virtual log of my interests and hobbies is still a boon to myself as I try to narrow down "What I Want To Be When I Grow Up" [iss. 2,719.23, ex. biblia.]. Perhaps this can serve me to work as a media portfolio of art projects when I apply for such a thing. If. Ever.

But in any case, having something to post encourages me to indulge my creative side.

Which is awesome.


Today's art: Learning How To Use My Camera (& Light)... again.

"If you don't use it, you lose it!"

Ok, so once upon a time ago I learned the very basics of photography.... and then forget I own a camera for 10 years. This has recently come full circle again today to me remembering I have a camera and basic working principles of photography, and proceeding to increase my experience, through my willing volunteers.... of my cats. Yeah, I know. Cat pictures on the internet. That's new. But indulge me momentarily.

I cannot over-stress the importance of natural light, and cropping.. I always want to show more of the environment than is necessary, and I like the effect more when the camera feels closer to the subject.


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