
I love Halloween. I mean, really. LOVE Halloween. It's probably my favorite holiday.

Besides being a closet goth, I am absolutely twitterpated with costumes. Always have been, that I can recall. Especially more so since I've finally learned how to sew!

And Halloween combines BOTH of those loves, elegantly. Unfortunately, due to financial restraints and my lack of time and project management, I still haven't actually made a costume from scratch yet, but plan to remedy this next year.

I already set a reminder up in my phone to start planning Halloween two months early next year. I WILL get better at these things, eventually. Baby steps. But I'm very excited.

This year, I waited until the day of, since I didn't really have anywhere to go, no parties or anything, (but I've been pretty isolative during the past year, so probably my own fault on that one), but I'm not gonna miss out on the one day of the year you can dress however you want, with nearly zero restraints or social ramifications. If it were up to me, every day would be optional costume day.

So this year, I scoured my closet and went as old-school Disney Belle, complete with a leather-bound tome in my hands. She is my very goddamned favorite. I've had "Home" stuck in my head all night!

On the way home from our friend's house while writing this, I laughed and told my love I should have been hipster Belle, and just read Google books all night!

...He did not find that amusing.


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