About Me.

My name is Khouri, pronounced "Koo-Ree."

I love tea, my kitties, musical theatre, people, books, and intelligent discourse.
I live near Portland, OR, with my dad, brother and boyfriend, Kelly.
My religious/political beliefs run towards moderate/liberal Christian.
I'm a bit of a geek, somewhat eccentric, and a "Renaissance woman" (in the classical "Jack on all trades, master of none" sense).
I have the mind of a scientist and the heart of an artist.
I try to always continue to improve, to become a better person next year than I am today.

Guidelines I live by:
- Know Thyself. (Socrates)
- If you would be a real seeker after truth, you must at least once in your life doubt, as far as possible, all things. (Descartes)
- Everything in moderation; nothing in excess. (Aristotle’s Golden Mean; Cleobulus of Lindos; Temple of Apollo Inscription, Solon of Athens?)
- Emotions should be governed by logic. (Spock/Vulcan; Boy Meets Girl by Josh Harris)
- All people have good in them. (religion)
- The most important question is always "Why?"
- Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures. (Jessamyn West)
- Everything has meaning. Analyze it, and figure out how it's relevant. Apply  what you learnt.

That about covers everything pertinent. And I'm named off a birdwoman from a 70's Sci-fi tv show (Buck Rodgers). :)


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