Scientific 'test' to prove existence of God

One of my friends posted a challenge on facebook, and after formulating my response, I thought it might be nice to share my thoughts here as well.

His challenge: "Logic says that the existence of a divine being cannot be proven or disproven. If you can do better than logic, and prove that he either exists or does not... Here is your chance. I want supporting evidence that can be tested in a lab or at home with little trouble. Keep in mind that you cannot use mythology or the bible to prove the existence of God as these sources may be inaccurate."

My response:
I can't, no one can, that's impossible. That said, here are my opinions on the matter (without quoting scripture):

 If you could scientifically prove God's existence, there would be no need for faith. One of my old pastors had an answer to an old religious challenge question that both infuriated me and intrigued me. "Can God make a boulder so big he cannot lift it?" His response was "Yes. And then he'd lift it anyway." Although I don't neccessarily agree with that thought, it explains how I view existence of God vs. our perception. I think God has the ability to hide things from us, despite how much we learn and advance, and I think he does this so faith still has it's place.

Some people liken God to wind because although you cannot see the wind with your eyes, you can view it's effects on visible things. There are many people's lives and behavior that has drastically changed, with the only motivating factor/cause they claim being their experience with God.

I like to think of dark matter as being one of the physical embodiments of God working throughout the universe, as it is still something that although we KNOW it exists, is incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to actually directly quantify, see, prove or manipulate.

In the same way, how can something in a 2-dimensional world describe a 3-dimensional figure? If there is a creator, then by necessity it/he must exist outside of his creation, so how could we quantify it based on our limited perception of reality?

I see the evidence of God in everything, in all of the sciences, in the beauty of the natural world, even in evolution. I understand the mechanics of how things change and adapt to survive, but then why is there color and beauty and symmetry and art to it all as well? To me that speaks to a creator.


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