New Years'

It's two a.m. and I'm sitting in a friends' gutter punk apt squat, listening to Mike questioning Kelly for his character creation for some fighting game,  waiting to go home after our New Years revels.

It's been a good night. My first time going to Spokane's First Night downtown event, and I was pretty stinkin impressed. This city will let you do anything with the right permit! Kudos to the Spokane Arts Commission, or whoever puts these things on. Good job.

We got there late, so were only able to see a few events, but I really enjoyed the varied talents and entertainments we did see! First, the comedy show, which was much better than expected, and far surpassed the only other comedy show I'd ever seen (in Seattle). Then, on our way to the Masons building, we caught a street performance group, the Visual Vortex Spin Collective, with flaming hula hoop dancers! One of the hotels had much better technique/experience, but the other had a great charisma about her performance, and I loved their enthusiasm!

Even just walking with my love in Riverfront park down by the river was picturesque. There was fog on the river, and the lovely
(and unique) abstract architecture/art pieces by (...). Who needs Paris, Spokane has our own charm!

I was also able to take in some of a variety show (Abbey Crawford, a magician, and belly dancers) and of course, the fireworks before heading to meet up with friends at a Steampunk karaoke house party.

All in all, a great night. :-)


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